Thursday, October 15, 2020

The young bean that saved the day

 K.T.A.M: (Tuhituhi)

Name: Drevahn

The young bean that saved the day

Once upon a time there was a very talented young boy named bean.

The young boy lived in a little village named Bean can because he can.

Bean loved to play on his baked guitar and he was really good at it.

He was all alone in his bean can because his whole village got taken away.

He wanted to go find a way back to them but unfortunately the outside world aka on the table was so high up.

So he got the remainder of his can village and they stacked and bean got to his family and they left, then lived a good boy.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Monday, June 8, 2020

we are learning to introduce ourselves through a blog profile

today i have been learning how to write a blog profile and take a great profile picture.This is so that we get to know people and make connections online is a way that contributes to a positive digital

I enjoyed this learning because it was fun taking a selfie. What types of information do you like to see on people's blog files

Friday, June 5, 2020

I are learning to introduce ourselves through a blog profile

today i have been learning to write a blog profile and take a great profile picture.This is so we get to know people and make connections online in a way that contributes to a positive digital

i enjoyed this learning because it was fun taking a selfie. what types of information do like to see in peoples blog profile?